Distant Strawberry Cream Scones


Strawberry Cream Scones

Strawberry Cream Scones

 I have a confession to make… I am baking from a distance today.

I am supposed to thoughtfully be measuring out ingredients right now, but instead I am thinking about long hugs and buckets of strawberries.

I am thinking about early morning coffee visits and heart-shaped sea shells.

I am remembering robot dances and photo booth smiles.

I am thinking about my 4 year old’s birth mom and her 16 year old son.

We spent the weekend with them by the ocean.  It was wonderful, and wonderfully complicated.

And yes, I danced the robot with her at a Mexican restaurant in front of a live band.

These are basic cream scones. I realize strawberries are not yet in season, but I added them in honor of this past weekend.


Cut into 8 wedges

Cut into 8 wedges

Not too sweet and very comforting

Not too sweet and very comforting

