A Project Pastry Love Mystery!

Project Pastry Love has come to a screeching halt.  I cannot find my camera cord.  I have photos of my last four recipes on my camera, but I’ve no means to transfer them to my computer.  Now, I don’t want to get hysterical here, or jump to any conclusions, but I think it has been stolen.  And I think the thief is living in this house!  I give you the following clues:

Exhibit A

I was also missing two other items when the camera cord had disappeared.  One was my flip flop.  I found that little rascal under my bed.  That was my bad.  I was also missing my four year old’s sneaker.   Well, I found that little devil in our freezer.


Here’s another view.

There it is.  Right above the frozen shrimp.

There it is. Right above the frozen shrimp.

 Exhibit B:

There is a person living in this house who is very sneaky.  Here he is photo bombing a picture for Project Pastry Love.

My little red head pops up anywhere

My little red head pops up anywhere

Now, I don’t want to accuse anyone of anything.  And I am aware of the whole innocent until proven guilty thing.  But I think Cameron did it. 

His name is also close to the word Camera.  So there is that too.

 PS. I took the above photos with my phone. 
