Madeline’s Muse (A Whipped Cream Pie)

Madeline's Muse (A Whipped Cream Pie) 114 (2)

My eight year old niece Maddie and I dreamed up this whipped cream pie while floating on a raft on Locust Lake in the Pocono mountains.  We started off innocently talking about boys, which soon led to a serious discussion about desserts.  Maddie began to throw out ideas for a perfect pie.  Whipped cream, melted chocolate, and crushed sugar ice cream cone bits came to her mind.  I added graham cracker crust, and caramel sauce because I thought they’d go well with her ingredients.  They’re also, incidentally, two out three items I’d want with me on a deserted island.  The third being a boat so I could leave this lonely island whenever I wanted to.  We bought the ingredients, put it together, and served it to the rest of the family.  I knew it was going to be good, but I was surprised by how good it actually was.  It’s a simple pie with a big pay off.  The only thing better than this pie was the time I spent with Maddie talking about this pie.  She’s a special gal. Continue reading →


Mint Oreo Ice Cream

Mint Oreo Ice Cream

Mint Oreo Ice Cream

I was away for the week.  My parents rented a beautiful house on a lake in the Pocono mountains.  My son Cameron couldn’t believe we were going to Pennsylvania.  I still don’t know why this mystified him.  The vacation was great. The kids swam and ran around with their cousins, while we adults floated on rafts with martinis in hand.  It was nice. I even brought up my new ice cream maker in the hopes of making many delicious flavors.  Turns out I only made one batch.  It was Cuisinart’s recipe for mint Oreo ice cream and it was sublime–creamy, minty-sweet, and with just enough Oreo cookie crumbles in every bite.  Cuisinart recommends using fresh mint, however, I went the easier route and used mint extract instead.  Don’t judge.  I had martinis to drink. Continue reading →


New York City Girls’ Weekend

New York City Girls' Weekend photo 1

My sister, Amanda, and I spent a long weekend in New York City.  We are girls who like to eat, and drink, so we planned our trip around restaurants, food trucks, outdoor markets, and bars that we wanted to hit up.  In between all of our culinary conquests were a few sights we wanted to see and experience.  We were up by 6:30 A.M. and we were in our hotel beds by 10 P.M.  In between, we were feeding our bellies with just a taste of what this amazing city had to offer.  That’s how we rolled.  The photo above sums up our adventures.  Below, you’ll find our highlights. Continue reading →


Charlotte Russe

Charlotte Russe

Charlotte Russe

I made a Charlotte Russe! It’s a classic french dessert created by Marie-Antoine Careme in honor of his former employer’s daughter Princess Charlotte and his current Russian employer (at the time), Czar Alexander.  Charlotte Russe seems quite simple to make–Bavarian cream set in a mold lined with lady fingers. However, it was a little more involved than I anticipated (lots of cleaning bowls only to dirty them again, and  a lot of folding in of ingredients with more of a gentle wrist than I’m used to). In the end, I thought my Charlotte Russe looked as cute as a button.  It tasted even better.  It was creamy, sweet and boozy. Not like a button at all. Continue reading →
