I’m working on mousse this week, and what better recipe to practice with than David Lebovitz‘s Salted Butter Caramel-Chocolate Mousse from his beautiful book My Paris Kitchen. It. Is. Perfect. This mousse has big chocolate flavor with an underlining sweetness of caramel.
I think making this mousse has come at the perfect time for me and my oldest son, Cameron. It seems as though Cameron is trying to process what being adopted really means. The other night he told me he has two mommies. He said that his birth mom is his real mom and that I am his “other” mom. I told him that he’s right, he does have two mommies, but I also said that I was just his mom, not “other” mom. The other day a friend of mine told me that Cameron asked her where her real mommy is? I knew these questions would bubble up eventually, and I am happy that they are, I really am, but my heart breaks a little too. I don’t ever want him to feel different, or scared, or sad, or lost in the enormity of his adoption. Anyway, I used this very mousse to lure him into sitting for a moment (he’s usually a guy on the go), so I could talk to him a little bit about his beautiful beginning. I am not sure how much he was able to take in, but he seemed happy to talk about it. And his bowl of mousse was completely licked clean.