Oh, heavens to Betsy, this is some good pie! Lemon cake pie has a sweet lemon curd on the bottom, with a cake-like meringue on top. If you look closely at the photo above you can see a thin line of the cake layer. It’s light and sweet–perfect for Spring. I found this recipe in an old cookbook I bought at an antique shop in the Catskill Mountains. It’s written by a former actress, Mary Hosford. In it she details her family’s most cherished recipes and recounts the stories that are connected to them. It was a simpler life back then. I am certain, when I was in my twenties, that I would not have appreciated the simplicity of those “olden times”, but now that I’m a mom nearing my 40s I find myself using expressions like “heavens to Betsy”.
Almond Pound Cake
I’m distrustful of really pretty cakes. You know the ones I’m talking about, right? Look in any bakery window and you’ll see those cakes showing themselves off like they do. I admire their beauty, but I’ve been let down by their taste too many times. I’d much prefer a slice of pound cake over a piece of beautifully decorated wedding cake any day. Like this almond pound cake for instance– it’s buttery, soft and just a little sweet on the inside, with a caramelized crust on the outside. The almond flavor is not too strong, but it definitely makes its self known in every bite. You don’t have to even glaze this cake, but I did anyway. I just wanted her to look a little more attractive. The old saying is true, however… it’s not how you look on the outside, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. And when you’ve a lot of fat and sugar on the inside you’re delicious! Continue reading →
Angel Food Cake
Angel food cake. Never been a fan. I’ve always found it a bit too sweet, and way too spongy–like sweetened cushion foam. Well, I made it today while the snow was falling outside, and my boys were trashing the house inside. It was a fun, and fairly quick process, and the cake came out nicely. Once cooled, I ate a slice with some whipped cream and strawberries. It was lovely. Yes, it was sweet and spongy, but it had a nice crunch on the outer edge, and there was a slight hint of lemon in each bite. Still, not my favorite cake, although I have eaten three slices today. I should have another slice just to be sure. I’ve got big plans for this cake tomorrow, by the way. If there are any leftovers, that is. Continue reading →
Toasted Coconut Cake
Ugh. I know that’s a terrible way to start this blog post, but that is the sound of my feelings right now. It has come to my attention that I’ve left out an ingredient here or there on some of my recipes. Unfortunately, my lovely neighbor, who has been baking from my blog, has been the victim of these mistakes. Twice now. Ugh. I don’t want to hand out excuses, but I am suffering from “mom brain” (it’s a real condition). For instance, just the other day I was driving to the local grocery store and I couldn’t for the life of me remember how to get there. Also, I am finding that my 5 year old has been finishing my sentences. Words just aren’t coming to me quickly anymore. Yes, I know this could be a brain tumor, but I’m too exhausted to worry about that. I am now double proofing all of my past posts and intend to triple proof every post from here on. Thank goodness I have this toasted coconut cake to see me through. The cake is beautifully white, not too sweet, and full of coconut flavor. I iced it with a very sweet, coconut buttercream. Anyway… what was I saying? Ugh. Continue reading →